Thursday, June 25, 2009

True Love?????????

This is youngest. Look at her so sweet and innocent and cute. I love this little munchkin. She is my snuggle bug. Today we went to the park with my wonderful friend Vanessa. Vanessa and I met online and her son Will is 6 days younger than the twins. Kimy is always saying she is going to marry Will and have lots of babies. It also happens that Will says the same thing. Today they played together for a long time. Happy as could be.
Kimy ready to go on the monkey bars. Will is right behind her.

Will and Kimy hanging out!

Will and Kimy. I must say that they make a cute couple. Another plus is Vanessa and I are great friends so having them as in laws would not be bad at all.

1 comment:

Rae Rice said...

already planning the wedding huh? I love the pictures of Kimy. p.s. CALL ME!