Thursday, April 23, 2009


Having twins is an amazing event.....the pregnancy, birth and raising has been a learning process from the get go. It has been nothing like the older girls, there is so much more to having twins. I am not just talking about having 2 , or doing 2 of everything. Their relationship is amazing, they are so close. There is so much love there for each other. The past couple of nights they have been sleeping on out floor.
The other night I found them like this, close together and Joey with his hand on her. Kind of like he is protecting her, or making sure she does not go to far away.
It was so cute, I had to take a picture, look at how connected they are.


Elyse said...

That is adorable! I can't wait to see them as big kids this summer!!

Nicole Homel said...

That is so precious.
It is the way siblings should be.
Hope you are all well!
Long time no talk