Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Kimy's big day

Yesterday Kimy had an appointment for a recheck on her Kidney reflux. She had an ultrasound and a VCUG. Not a totally fun process, but it had to be done. She was diagnosed with grade 3 kidney reflux on the left side last year. So the retest was because we were hoping she would outgrow it. I being the scrapbooker had to take pictures to record the whole event. Only because I may not actually get it into a scrapbook for at least 5 years. I am so far behind.
Kimy in the car ready to go.
Hanging out in our room.

In her jammies.....she loved them they had Lions, and Tigers and Bears
Oh my!
She also loved having her own TV to watch.

Getting her ultrasound done. She was not to sure about this at first but decided she enjoyed it. The guy that did the ultrasound was wonderful and talked to Kimy. She loved him.

She did so well that we had time to kill, so we got to go to the playroom. Kimy enjoying playing and all the stuff to do. It was nice to have some time to play before they drugged her for the next part.

Back in our room. To make this a better experience she got to be the princess. Complete with Crown and wand, boy did Kimy love that. All day yesterday she told everyone she was the princess.

All drugged up.......she was a happy little camper.

Getting ready for the contrast x-ray. Not the fun part for a bit, but she did okay. She also got to watch a movie. Everyone that was there, nurses, and x-ray techs were wonderful. They did such a great job at keeping her calm and happy.

When all was said and done Kimy got to have a Popsicle. I personally think this was her favorite part. She picked purple of course, I happens to be her favorite color.

Here she is watching TV with her purple lips. She is still loopy and out of it.
All in all she did great, much better than I thought it would go. On the down side she still has the grade 3 on the left side and now grade 2 on the right side. After she was released from the outpatient we went over to see Dr. Lashley, who we love....he is the BEST. After talking with him and going over our options, it looks like Kimy will be having surgery to have the reflux fix. The nice thing is that the surgery will fix it for good and it won't be a problem anymore. Some prayers would be appreciated, we need to make sure that Kimy gets no infections before her surgery. We should have a surgery date next week.

1 comment:

Rae Rice said...

I am so proud of Kimy for being a trouper. I am sorry that she has to have surgery, but then again, grateful that they can fix the reflux and she won't be plagued by if for the rest of her life. Wrap my arms around her and tell her how special she is!