I know that I have not updated my blog in like forever. Thing have been busy. I was volunteering a lot at the school in the beginning of the year, I went straight from doing that to doing day care and then summer came. I feel like I have no time for me. By the end of the day, I just want to crawl into bed. This year has been great, but why go into details, because then I would have to find pictures to match and that is way to much work. School has ended about a month ago and the kids were sad to say good bye to their teachers.

Kimy and Joey had the same teacher this year. They loved Mrs. Theford and learned so much from her. They loved kindy, but are looking forward to 1st grade in the fall and going to school for the whole day. I really think they are looking forward to having lunch at school.

Meghan had a great 8th grade year and had to say good bye to her favorite teacher Mrs. Schrader......she is moving on to High School in the fall. Yes you heard me right, I have a kid in High School. Where has the time gone......Meghan made great friends at Rachel Carson and some are going to Westview with her. She is looking forward to the challenges that lay ahead.

Kassidy was lucky enough to get Meghan's 5th grade teacher this year in 4th grade. Mrs. Towell is so awesome and loves all her kids like they are her own. Kassidy has grown so much this year and has become a wonderful and hard working student. Kassidy is looking forward to the challenges that 5th grade may bring. I am so lucky my kids had such awesome teachers. I will post again soon, as we continue our summer adventure.
1 comment:
I can't believe how big the kids are! The girls all look like sisters, and where did Kassidy's kid look go...she is so a tween! I wish you had more time for yourself, we will have to figure out if we can change that! Keep blogging...it is one of the ways I know what is going on (since I am so good at calling).
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