Meghan has been working since October on her Science Fair project, it has been a lot of time hours and work. Including bringing it home on her winter break to work on it. Today she had to present it to the panel. Including her teachers and other invited guest. She was nervous this morning when I dropped her off at school, but I knew she would be fine. This evening we went to the school to see her project and find out how she did.

Here are the teachers getting ready to announce. Mr Quinn in the blue shirt is her Science teacher. Mrs. Schrader with the guide puppy is her Math teacher. The other teacher are Mrs. Hall with the mic, Mrs. Hurley, and Mrs. Cleavenger. A huge thank you to all of them for all the hard work the put into their jobs for the kids.

Mr. Gibson, carrying his boys out to the car. It was past their bed time.

All the kids going to the District Science Fair. Yep that is my Meghan in there. Next to the tall boy in the white shirt. I am so darn proud of her! She amazes me every time I turn around. She is 1 of 10 kids. She is one awesome kid.

Meghan with her good friend Ace. They both did a great job.

Meghan's project. She also got an award for Outstanding Use of Graphs.
She amazes me!

Meghan with her project.
Please give Mae Mae my congrats...I am such a proud auntie teacher!
What was her project about??
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