So it is now Joey's turn...he is the older of the twins, by 20 minutes. He is also the only boy, lucky for him the girls don't mind being rough and tumble from time to time. Joey is a joy to be around he is so lovable and will come and snuggle up with me while I am on the couch. He is also all boy and loves all superheros at this time in his life. I don't dare ask him to choose a favorite....I don't think he can.

Here he is with Kimy his partner in crime. If something happens that is not suppose to I know they are both involved ......even they both blame the other one. Even though they fight, they are both the best of pals. He also has her to thank for being in physical therapy for 2 years, she sat on top of him for nine months. We also have the theory that she pushed him out so she could have the space to herself.

Joey on the older kids first day of school. He insisted on having his picture taken. He loves to have his picture taken. He also loves to play outside at every given chance. We spent almost the whole summer outside. Time well spent....Joey learned how to ride a two wheeler this summer. Something he was very proud of.

In my opinion this is the cutest face...I love him to death and Have enjoyed the difference between raising him and his sister. I know he will always keep me on my toes.
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