Today we went to Duyck's Peachy Pig Farm as a field trip with our other daycare friends. We all had so much fun. Espically the kids, okay us Mom's had a blast also.

Sam is feeding the pigs. They had some really big ones, and even had some babies. They were all cute to look at and feed.

Kimy and Joey feeding one of the pigs. Their hair is very coarse when you pet them.

Here is Sam feeding the cow. Sam was so excited about getting to pet the cow. The cow shares his pasture with a little goat. They were quite the pair.

Here is Dylan and Persephone taking their turn petting and feeding the cow.

Here is Joey and Dylan feeding the ducks, Chicken and other various farm birds. I think the kids all enjoyed checking out the diffent types of birds. They also liked throwing the bread for them to eat.

Kimy, Sam, and Persephone feeding Aurora the horse. They all loved getting a chance to pet the horse on the head.

Here is Persephone and Joey feeding Trigger. He lives seperate from the girls because he likes to hog all the food.

Kimy feel in love with the baby kitten's She snuggled up to all of them. More to come about the kittens......

Joey is holding a baby chick. He was not to sure about it at first but he decided he like it. All in all we had a blast. It is someplace that Vanessa, Mandie and I are going to take the kids again.
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