Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Happy Birthday Meghan

15 years ago today I was walking into the hospital to have my first baby. We did not know if it was a boy or girl, what to expect, or how long it would all take. I had been dilated for weeks, and was happy to be in labor. Finally ready to meet the new person truly making us a family. After about 10 hours of labor and 30 minutes of pushing Meghan Elizabeth was born. She was beautiful, a little swollen in the face, but absolutely beautiful. All 8lbs. 15oz. of her.

Here she is at 3 months.
It has been a joy to watch her grow over the years. She has always been a kind and caring person towards everyone. She has a huge love for animals and of course her family and friends. She amazes me everyday with her drive to work hard at school, volunteer to help others and willingness to be there when someone needs help. I am so proud to call her my daughter.

Beginning of Freshman year
My hope for her is that she dreams big and accomplish all her goals in life.
Which for her is something I know she can and will do. I am a lucky Mom to be blessed with four kids, but even luckier to have a wonderful teenage daughter like her.
Happy Birthday Sweetie!